Infertility no more — part 2

Infertility no more — part 2

15 MARCH 2013 — Friday

As soon as I heard the garage door open on Wednesday afternoon my heart just jumped.  Alex would have no clue what he was about to be told.  He came in the door and greeted the hyper dog as usual.  I was just sitting on the couch doing nothing.  As soon as I see him my face breaks out in to the cheesiest grin that I couldn’t wipe off no matter how hard I tried.  “Babe, come sit down beside me” I said grinning like a fool. “Come on, come sit down.  I want to talk.”  His face reflects that he’s suspicious about something, but he was thinking that I was about to tell him that I just bought something expensive and needed to confess. “Heyyyy…so, I’m pregnant.”

Eloquent, I know. Although it did remind me of when he first asked me out: “So, uhhhh, you wanna date?” HAHAHA!  I still can hear his nervous voice saying it as he was trying to play it off as cool.  I guess we’re both not the most eloquent of communicators when we’re nervous!

His face didn’t smile.  It didn’t move.  “What?” he asked.  “I”m pregnant” I repeated.  “No you’re not.” he insisted.  So I went on to tell him the story of my day and showed him all 14 pregnancy tests that I took.  We were in straight shock.  How? When? How?  (okay folks, not technically “how”…we got that part down thank you very much, but more of “How?  We didn’t think this was even possible!”  Okay, thanks…just needed to clarify that.)

We went to RBA today for our first ultra sound.  I guess I should mention that my blood work backed up my 14 home tests.  My HCG was pretty high so Dr. Brahma was guessing that I was around 5 weeks. The ultrasound went just as hoped and everything is just as it should be at 5 weeks!  Hooray for a yolk sac!  That’s such a gross name.  So there’s a little sesame seed in me and it’s making me sleepy!

We are just so shocked and so happy.  Our goal is to be cautiously optimistic, but it’s certainly difficult to not go straight in to pure freak-out happiness.

The next step is to go in for another ultrasound next Monday.  We should be able to hear a heart beat by then!

I now have a million things in my head that need to be done to our house before this baby comes.  Or as Alex puts it: “You’re going to nest really hard”.


3 responses to “Infertility no more — part 2”

  1. That is such wonderful news, Emily. I will pray for you. May the Lord bless you with a healthy baby & a picture-perfect pregnancy. Amen!

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